The file 'Stencil Ruler For Basic Electronic Circuit Drawing 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 724.2KB.
I needed this basic stencil ruler for one of my exams
The ruler can measure 10 cm and it's 11cmx long and 1.4 mm thick
Stiffer and simpler (with less components) than the other stencil thath you can find online and it's perfect for drawing basic electronic circuits, maybe in the future for the next semester of university ill'make a second revision, longher with more components...maybe...
It also features rounded edges cause...yes (wtf why anyone have made rounded edges before me! they'r harder to print and look worst..)
For the 90° lovers there is a version with one angle
There are also 2 variants with rounded top borders
Ruler_90degreeAngle_roundedBorder_watermark.stl | 438.6KB | |
Ruler_90degreeAngle_watermark.stl | 435.8KB | |
Ruler_roundedBorder_watermark.stl | 440.9KB | |
Ruler_watermark.stl | 437.4KB |