The file 'Steering Wheel Of Formula SAE – Team Sale Racing (Brazil) 3D Printer Model' is (stl,pdf) file type, size is 516.4KB.
This is the steering wheel of my team in the Formula SAE championship 2016
We are from the city of Araçatuba/SP - Brazil
fundo_vol_STL.stl | 176.6KB | |
MOLD_CENTRAL_PDF.pdf | 83.5KB | |
mold_vol_1mm_STL.stl | 276.4KB | |
MOLD_VOL_PDF.pdf | 63.5KB | |
mol_central_vol_STL.stl | 582.4KB | |
pistao_fechado_STL.stl | 39.3KB | |
senna_scale_02_STL.stl | 57.7KB | |
VOLANTE_PDF.pdf | 72.5KB |