Star Wars: Rebels – Full Size C1-10p Chopper Skins 3D Printer Model

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The file 'Star Wars: Rebels – Full Size C1-10p Chopper Skins 3D Printer Model' is (STL) file type, size is 1.1MB.


UPDATE 8/6/16 - After reviewing Kurt Zimmerman's Chopper. I modified Front Panel 5-1 & 6-1 to correct sizes and added dish detial that was originally missing.

Please understand, this is a work in progress. Some changes maybe necessary.

Here is Chopper from Star Wars Rebels. The plan for him is to be RC controlled, with working Dome, Arms, and sound. This was adapted from the designs of the Chopper Builders from Astromech(dot)net.

NOTE - These Files have yet to optimized for printing. Most will print with little adjustment, while others will need to be divided into pieces.

I will try and update these files with the latest generation
Still in Process... Dome, Leggs, and Arms

1_-_C1-10P_Mk2_-_Body_-_Back_Panel_1-1.STL 74.7KB
1_-_C1-10P_Mk2_-_Body_-_Back_Panel_2-1.STL 103.0KB
1_-_C1-10P_Mk2_-_Body_-_Back_Panel_3-1.STL 76.6KB
1_-_C1-10P_Mk2_-_Body_-_Back_Panel_4-1.STL 227.0KB
1_-_C1-10P_Mk2_-_Body_-_Back_Side_Door-1.STL 10.4KB
1_-_C1-10P_Mk2_-_Body_-_Back_Side_Door-2.STL 10.4KB
1_-_C1-10P_Mk2_-_Body_-_Chest_Plate-1.STL 381.4KB
1_-_C1-10P_Mk2_-_Body_-_Front_Panel_1-1.STL 119.2KB
1_-_C1-10P_Mk2_-_Body_-_Front_Panel_2-1.STL 184.1KB
1_-_C1-10P_Mk2_-_Body_-_Front_Panel_3-1.STL 61.0KB
1_-_C1-10P_Mk2_-_Body_-_Front_Panel_4-1.STL 87.8KB
1_-_C1-10P_Mk2_-_Body_-_Front_Panel_5-1.STL 93.7KB
1_-_C1-10P_Mk2_-_Body_-_Front_Panel_6-1.STL 184.1KB
1_-_C1-10P_Mk2_-_Body_-_Front_Scanner_Dish.STL 1.1MB
1_-_C1-10P_Mk2_-_Body_-_Front_Side_Door-1.STL 47.0KB
1_-_C1-10P_Mk2_-_Body_-_Front_Side_Door-2.STL 47.0KB
1_-_C1-10P_Mk2_-_Body_-_Front_Side_LWR-1.STL 103.2KB
1_-_C1-10P_Mk2_-_Body_-_Front_Side_LWR-2.STL 103.2KB
1_-_C1-10P_Mk2_-_Body_-_HEX_Adapter-1.STL 119.8KB