Star Trek TOS Bridge 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Star Trek TOS Bridge 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 1.3MB.


I've been learning Fusion 360 and thought it would be a fun project to create a scale model of the original Enterprise bridge for table top games. I only had a floor plan to work with, so my heights may be a little off.

I haven't had the chance to print any of the parts yet. So, if you print it and have any constructive feedback, it would be appreciated. I tried to model it so that you would only need minimal support, if any.


Update: corrected a problem with the large and small console and updated full model

Update: As suspected, everything was a little squat. I made the walls a little taller so that everything is more proportional. The model has also been rescaled from 1:60 to 1:50 which should accommodate minis a little better. Because the diameter is now larger, the base has been split into four parts so it can fit on smaller print beds.

Update 5.19.18: I noticed that bases B and D were missing a few features, so I uploaded the corrected stl files.

1701_Bridge_BaseA_Hero_scale-v2.stl 381.5KB
1701_Bridge_BaseB_Hero_scale-v2.1a.stl 305.3KB
1701_Bridge_BaseC_Hero_scale-v3.stl 82.3KB
1701_Bridge_BaseD_Hero_scale-v2.2a.stl 300.8KB
1701_Bridge_CaptChair_Hero_scale-v2.stl 446.2KB
1701_Bridge_Door_Hero_scale-v2.stl 217.1KB
1701_Bridge_full_Hero_scale-v2.stl 2.6MB
1701_Bridge_Helm_Hero_scale-v2.1.stl 46.2KB
1701_Bridge_LargeConsole_Hero_scale-v2.stl 84.6KB
1701_Bridge_Platform_Hero_scale-v2.stl 118.1KB
1701_Bridge_SmallConsole_Hero_scale-v2.stl 38.2KB
1701_Bridge_Turbolift_Hero_scale-v2.stl 137.5KB