At last, the symbol of Star Trek is on Thingiverse! I created this because a friend of mine wanted to dress up as a character from Star Trek, and didn't have the appropriate gear. The clothes are pretty easy to find, but the badge isn't so simple to get a hold of... or at least it wasn't.
The stl seems to skeinforge weirdly, which probably has something to do with the way I joined the two pieces of the badge. Having printed it I can attest to the fact that it prints very well, despite the perilous overhang, which leaves plenty of room for any small electronic bits you might want to insert and try to make the badge do something cool.
Sorry for the rendered image - I haven't printed one out for myself yet.
StarTrekBadge.stl | 50.7KB | |
StarTrekBadge_good.gcode | 533.8KB |