Star Trek Constitution Class Parts Kit 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: zip,stl
Download type: zip

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Note: I’ve created a Patreon to support my modelling projects. If you’ve found my work useful, have the means, and would like to support my efforts, please give it a look. I will continue to release my designs for free on Cults 3D and Thingiverse, but Patreon members will get early access and in progress updates on my new projects, and it will serve as a central location for announcements. Thanks for reading!

[This kit is also available on my Google Drive mirror: <;]


I like kitbashing Star Trek ships, and have long enjoyed playing with 2d parts kits (like the fine ones from the late Vance and CanisD) to quickly create new ideas for ship designs. However, converting these ideas from 2d to 3d models fit for printing is easier said than done, usually involving cutting up existing models and trying to rearrange them. Getting a printable mesh from the resulting hacked model is often difficult and frustrating.

Previous designs I've posted have been converted from models available elsewhere on the internet, where I’ve converted them and figured out how to generate meshes suitable for printing. I was looking for a project to learn more about creating my own models using Blender, and decided to try recreating my favorite ship, the Constitution class. However, there are many high-quality versions of this ship available, so I decided to focus my efforts on creating parts for this ship, making a 3d toolkit analogous to the 2d part kits long popular in Trek fandom.

Although this kit contains multiple sample ready-to-print ship STL files, it also includes a set of STL part files for both the TOS and Refit versions of the ship. These parts are not meant to be printed by themselves, but instead used to kitbash new ship designs. I’ve also included the Blender source files used to create these parts, as well as Blender files combining these parts used to generate the combined sample ships.

UPDATE 2024-10-06:


Kit has received a number of minor updates to match changes being made to the upcoming Miranda class update, most notably with a more screen accurate torpedo launchers and streamlined RCS thrusters. These details are unlikely to be noticeable if you intend to print at sub 1/2500 scales.


UPDATE 2024-09-15:


A new update to bring the original Constitution class kit up to date with my latest standards. If you mostly print at smaller miniature scales, you probably won’t notice a difference, but if you want to print at 1/2500 and larger you should check out these new files.

First off, windows have been added to the saucer and engineering hulls. In addition, the B/C decks and shuttle bay doors have been modified to better match the original filming model. There have also been numerous small updates and several added variant ship files.

The previous version is still available here.

As with previous updates, these new features will be rolling out to related kits over the next few weeks and months.


UPDATE 2023-02-28:


It’s been almost exactly two years since my last update of this kit. While I think the TOS version of the models have held up pretty well, as people have made more use of the movie era models I’ve noticed more and more issues with those models that have bothered me. What started as a modest attempt to smooth out some low-poly parts has turned into a substantial rebuild of most of the refit Constitution parts to better reflect the original studio model. It’s still not perfect, but these parts are much improved and far better suited to the high-detail resin printers that are increasingly common.

Updates include an entirely new saucer and nacelles, along with significant modifications and mesh improvements to the engineering and neck pieces.

All TMP era ship files have been rebuilt using the new parts. In addition, the kit adds the Moncrief class, a movie era variant of the Ptolemy class transport created by Erik “Jackill” Kristiansen, and featuring a new transport pod inspired by a Neale “Vance” Davidson design.

The previous version of the files are all available at this Google Drive location.

Stay tuned, as these updates will be rolled out to other kits that use these parts in the next few weeks to months.


UPDATE 2021-02-25:


This kit was one of the first projects I attempted when trying to learn Blender, and it suffered as a result. I’ve learned a great deal in the two years since, and have now updated it with a newly remastered version. This includes wholly remade saucers on both TOS and TMP versions, a new TMP engineering section, as well as highly modified versions of all other parts. In addition, I’ve added hull details such as shield grids weapons and running lights, and other smaller details I’d left off earlier versions of the ship. I’ve also added support for the TOS pilot version of the Enterprise.

It’s essentially a whole new kit, replacing the older version. If for whatever reason you’re looking for the files in the old kit they can still be found at this Google Drive location.


This kit supports the following core starship classes:

Star Trek TOS pilot “The Cage” version of the Constitution class

The primary TOS Constitution class cruiser.

The movie era refit Constitution.

A Constitution variant with sideways nacelles and saucer cutouts only seen as a desk model in a few episodes of TNG.

Pre-TOS, TOS, and TMP era Saladin class destroyer.

Pre-TOS, TOS, and TMP era Ptolemy class tugs and transport containers.

Moncrief class transport

Kitbash Examples

I’ve also included several sample kitbash ships that were quickly thrown together as examples of how to use the parts to make new designs.

Contents of this kit are broken into several zip files:

  • – Print-ready combined ship STL files. TOS variants.
  • – Print-ready combined ship STL files. TMP variants.
  • – Individual STL part files for kitbashing (not meant to be printed by themselves). TOS variants.
  • – Individual STL part files for kitbashing (not meant to be printed by themselves). TMP variants.
  • – The Blender source files used to generate the ship and part STL files. TOS variants
  • – The Blender source files used to generate the ship and part STL files. TMP variants.

Since initially publishing this kit, I’ve subsequently released dozens of additional parts kit, intended to be fully compatible with this one. See my Cults3d Profile for a full list.

Project goals

On a personal level my goal was to learn the basics of 3d modelling. The learning curve was high, but I've enjoyed working on this and hope others find the result useful.

On a wider level I hope to provide a set of resources for users (particularly those like me who are starting off with limited 3d modelling experience) to quickly piece together a custom starship suitable for printing, while possibly learning some skills along the way. I also hope that other users will create remixes and new parts that add to the set of ship components available to the wider community. The more people move from being simple consumers of resources on Thingiverse, Cults3d, or other sites, to being contributors, the better for all of us.

This will continue to be a work in progress as I evaluate quality issues and improve the part set. I remain a relative newbie to 3d modelling, so feedback and criticism is welcome.

Notes on scaling and working with Blender

Although aimed primarily at supporting miniature scale, all source files and output STL files are natively designed at 1:1000 scale. Although these files have not been extensively tested through printing, they are intended to be resized to match common modelling and miniatures scales.

See the following list for conversion factors for various common miniature and modeling scales.

Target scaleScale STL files to:Notes
1/39000.25641026 (25.6%)FASA miniature scale
1/37880.26399155 (26.4%)ADB Starline 2400 scale
1/31250.32 (32%)ADB Starline 2500 scale
1/25000.4 (40%)The Trek modelers "Golden scale"
1/16000.625 (62.5%)TOS 3-Ship Set scale
1/14000.714285714 (71.4%)Common resin model scale
1/6501.538461538 (153.8%)Modelling scale
1/5371.862197393 (186.2%)Common scale for TMP models
1/3502.857142857 (285.7%)Large scale

Note: This kit was built using Blender 3.5.

Blender is free, which to be honest was the primary factor in my decision to learn it. There are many fine video and text tutorials available online if you're interested in learning more. See the Blender fundamentals tutorials playlist to get started.

You can use File -> Import -> Stl (.stl) and File -> Export -> Stl (.stl) to load or save STL files in blender.

Post-processing STL output

Although all of the STL files included have been tested as valid watertight meshes, joining the parts together and exporting new STL files can introduce small errors that may cause issues with slicing programs. I recommend any STL files you create are checked using a program like Netfabb Basic free edition. Doing a simple "Close All Holes" repair has fixed all of the issues I've run into so far. If you do run into issues with mesh quality, please let me know.

Parts list

The following lists provide a summary of each of the included parts. For the majority of items, the mesh origin has been set so that when you import these objects into your 3d editor of choice, they are positioned as they would be on the Constitution class. Exceptions to this are objects, like center nacelles, that don't exist on the Constitution.

Combined ship STLs

These files provide sample ships generated using the parts included in this kit. Aside from the three variants of the Constitution class itself, the Saladin, and the Ptolemy, the other sample ships were thrown together in a few minutes as simple proof of concepts. The Constitution class also has variants with no shield-grids and another with lower detail parts that may be easier to print in some circumstances.

Note the TOS ship models also have versions without window details.

ship-TMPv3-akula.stlA quick kitbash version of the simple two-nacelle ship inspired by the video game Starfleet Command. (TMP version.
ship-TMPv3-booby-trap.stlWeird Constitution variant with sideways nacelles and cutouts on the saucer, seen as a desk model in the TNG episode “Booby Trap”.
ship-TMPv3-constitution-class-no-shield-grids.stlTMP refit Constitution class with no shield grid but all other details included.
ship-TMPv3-constitution-class.stlTMP refit Constitution class with “inset” shield grid variant.
ship-TMPv3-little-buddy.stlQuick kitbash illustrating the smaller TMP part variants.
ship-TMPv3-moncrief-with-container.stlMoncrief class carrying one Vance style container.
ship-TMPv3-moncrief-with-two-containers.stlMoncrief class carrying two Vance style container.
ship-TMPv3-moncrief.stlMoncrief class without a container.
ship-TMPv3-ptolemy-starliner.stlTMP refit Ptolemy class tug carrying a starliner container.
ship-TMPv3-ptolemy-with-container.stlTMP refit Ptolemy class tug carrying one basic containers.
ship-TMPv3-ptolemy-with-two-container.stlTMP refit Ptolemy class tug carrying two basic containers.
ship-TMPv3-ptolemy.stlTMP refit Ptolemy class tug without any containers.
ship-TMPv3-saladin.stlTMP refit of the Franz Joseph Saladin class destroyer.
Ship-TOSv3-akula.stlA quick kitbash version of the simple two-nacelle ship inspired by the video game Starfleet Command. (TOS version)
ship-TOSv3-constitution-cage-era-thick.stlOriginal pilot version Constitution class with reduced surface details and some parts optimized for small scale detail printing.
Ship-TOSv3-constitution-cage-era.stlOriginal pilot version Constitution class.
Ship-TOSv3-constitution-TOS-era-thick.stlMain TOS series Constitution class with some sections like the neck and pylon thickened for smaller scale prints.
Ship-TOSv3-constitution-TOS-era.stlMain TOS series Constitution class.
Ship-TOSv3-little-buddy.stlQuick kitbash illustrating the smaller TOS part variants.
ship-TOSv3-saladin-cage-with-sensor-dish.stlPre-TOS version of the Franz Joseph Saladin class destroyer with underslung sensor dish
ship-TOSv3-saladin-cage.stlPre-TOS version of the Franz Joseph Saladin class destroyer without the sensor dish.
Ship-TOSv3-saladin-with-sensor-dish.stlOriginal TOS version of the Franz Joseph Saladin class destroyer with underslung sensor dish.
Ship-TOSv3-saladin-without-sensor-dish.stlOriginal TOS version of the Franz Joseph Saladin class destroyer without the sensor dish.
ship-TOSv3TMPv3-kitbash.stlA quick kitbash example of using both TMP and TOS parts.
ship-TOSv3-ptolemy-cage-era-single-pod.stlPre-TOS Ptolemy class tug carrying one basic containers. New version with larger pods.
ship-TOSv3-ptolemy-cage-era-standalone.stlPre-TOS Ptolemy class tug without any containers.
Ship-TOSv3-ptolemy-double-pod.stlTOS Ptolemy class tug carrying two basic containers. Old version with smaller pods.
Ship-TOSv3-ptolemy-single-pod.stlTOS Ptolemy class tug carrying one basic containers. Old version with smaller pods.
Ship-TOSv3-ptolemy-standalone.stlTOS Ptolemy class tug without any containers. Old version with smaller pods.
Ship-TOSv3-ptolemy-starliner.stlTOS Ptolemy class tug carrying a starliner container.


These individual part files are not meant to be printed by themselves. Instead, the intent is for you to combine them in the 3d modelling tool of your choice in order to kitbash new ship designs, which you can then output as a new ship STL file intended for printing.

Some parts will have multiple versions supporting different features and quality levels.

TMPv3-bridge.stlStandalone TMP bridge module.
TMPv3-command-decks-lower-details.stlStandalone TMP Bridge and B/C decks without windows.
TMPv3-command-decks.stlStandalone TMP Bridge and B/C decks.
TMPv3-engineering-hull-low-detail.stlTMP secondary hull with fewer details and no shield grid.
TMPv3-engineering-hull-shield-grid-inset.stlTMP secondary hull with the shield grid.
TMPv3-impulse.stlTMP impulse unit.
TMPv3-lower-sensor-dome.stlSaucer lower sensor dome.
TMPv3-nacelle-center.stlCenter TMP warp nacelle.
TMPv3-nacelle-pylon-base-flair-center.stlCenter “flair” piece at the connection between nacelle pylon and secondary hull.
TMPv3-Nacelle-pylon-base-flair-port.stlPort “flair” piece at the connection between nacelle pylon and secondary hull.
TMPv3-Nacelle-pylon-base-flair-starboard.stlStarboard “flair” piece at the connection between nacelle pylon and secondary hull.
TMPv3-nacelle-pylon-interface-center.stlSmall cylinder at connecting between pylon and warp nacelle.
TMPv3-nacelle-pylon-interface-port.stlSmall cylinder at connecting between pylon and warp nacelle.
TMPv3-nacelle-pylon-interface-starboard.stlSmall cylinder at connecting between pylon and warp nacelle.
TMPv3-nacelle-pylon-center.stlCenter TMP nacelle pylon.
TMPv3-nacelle-pylon-port.stlPort TMP nacelle pylon.
TMPv3-nacelle-pylon-starboard.stlStarboard TMP nacelle pylon.
TMPv3-nacelle-port.stlPort TMP warp nacelle.
TMPv3-nacelle-short-center.stlShort variant center TMP warp nacelle.
TMPv3-nacelle-short-port.stlShort variant port TMP warp nacelle.
TMPv3-nacelle-short-starboard.stlShort variant starboard TMP warp nacelle.
TMPv3-nacelle-starboard.stlStarboard TMP warp nacelle.
TMPv3-neck-low-detail.stlTMP neck without shield grid.
TMPv3-neck-shield-grid-inset.stlTMP neck with shield grid.
TMPv3-neck-transport-tug.stlTMP neck with attached transport container dock.
TMPv3-saucer-booby-trap.stlVersion of the saucer with cutouts instead of windows, used in the Booby Trap variant model.
TMPv3-saucer-deflector.stlIntegrated saucer deflector.
TMPv3-saucer-front-cutout-no-shield-grid.stlSaucer with front cutout and integrated torpedo module. No shield grid.
TMPv3-saucer-front-cutout-shield-grid-inset.stlSaucer with front cutout and integrated torpedo module. With shield grid.
TMPv3-saucer-front-rear-cutout-no-shield-grid.stlSaucer with rear and front cutout and integrated torpedo module. No shield grid.
TMPv3-saucer-front-rear-cutout-shield-grid-inset.stlSaucer with rear and front cutout and integrated torpedo module. With shield grid.
TMPv3-saucer-medium-low-details.stlMedium-size TMP saucer with no shield grid and limited other details. Includes bridge and sensor.
TMPv3-saucer-medium-no-shield-grid.stlMedium-size TMP saucer with no shield grid but all other details. Includes bridge and sensor.
TMPv3-saucer-medium-shield-grid-inset.stlMedium-size TMP saucer with shield grid. Includes bridge and sensor.
TMPv3-saucer-small-low-detail.stlSmall-size TMP saucer with no shield grid and limited other details. Includes bridge and sensor.
TMPv3-saucer-small-no-shield-grid.stlSmall-size TMP saucer with no shield grid but all other details. Includes bridge and sensor.
TMPv3-saucer-small-shield-grid-inset.stlSmall-size TMP saucer with shield grid. Includes bridge and sensor.
TMPv3-saucer-standard-low-details.stlStandard large TMP saucer with no shield grid and limited other details.
TMPv3-saucer-standard-no-shield-grid.stlStandard large TMP saucer with no shield grid but all other details.
TMPv3-saucer-standard-shield-grid-inset.stlStandard large TMP saucer with shield grid.
TMPv3-small-saucer-lower-sensor-dome.stlSaucer lower sensor dome, designed for small saucer variant.
TMPv3-torpedo-command-decks.stlReplacement for bridge and command decks with version integrating torpedo modules.
TMPv3-torpedo-module-lower-detail.stlTMP Torpedo module without windows or docking port.
TMPv3-torpedo-module-saladin-variant.stlTMP torpedo module meant to work more flexibly with without blending into the engineering hull.
TMPv3-torpedo-module.stlStandard TMP Constitution torpedo module designed to integrate with the standard neck and secondary hull.
TMPv3-transport-cargo-FJ-style.stlBasic transport container. (compatible with both versions of the Ptolemy).
TMPv3-transport-cargo-vance-style.stlTMP era transport container.
TMPv3-transport-cargo-vance-style-short.stlShortened version of the TMP era container.
TMPv3-transport-starliner-FJ-style.stlTMP version of the Starliner container (compatible with both versions of the Ptolemy and the Montcrief).
TOSv3-bridge.stlTOS bridge module
TOSv3-cage-version-bridge.stlPilot version bridge module.
TOSv3-cage-version-impulse-engine.stlPilot version impulse unit.
TOSv3-cage-version-nacelle-center.stlPilot version center warp nacelle.
TOSv3-cage-version-nacelle-endcaps-thick.stlThicker version of the nacelle spikes.
TOSv3-cage-version-nacelle-port.stlPilot version port warp nacelle.
TOSv3-cage-version-nacelle-starboard.stlPilot version starboard warp nacelle.
TOSv3-cage-version-saucer-details.stlAdditional surface details for the pilot version saucer.
TOSv3-cage-version-sensor-dish.stlPilot version sensor dish.
TOSv3-command-decks-plain.stlStandalone TOS B/C decks, without torpedo tubes. No windows
TOSv3-command-decks-windowed.stlStandalone TOS B/C decks, without torpedo tubes. With windows
TOSv3-command-decks-with-torpedo-tubes.stlStandalone TOS B/C decks, with torpedo tubes. No windows
TOSv3-dorsal-phasers.stlPair of standalone phaser balls (top-aligned).
TOSv3-engineering-hull-low-detail.stlTOS engineering hull with reduced details.
TOSv3-engineering-hull-no-windows.stlTOS engineering hull without windows.
TOSv3-engineering-hull-windowed.stlTOS engineering hull with windows.
TOSv3-lower-sensor-dome.stlSensor dome mounted on the bottom of the saucer.
TOSv3-Impulse-engine.stlTOS impulse unit.
TOSv3-nacelle-center-small.stlShort variant TOS center nacelle.
TOSv3-nacelle-center.stlTOS center nacelle.
TOSv3-nacelle-port-small.stlShort variant TOS port nacelle.
TOSv3-nacelle-port.stlTOS port nacelle.
TOSv3-nacelle-pylon-center.stlCenter TOS nacelle pylon.
TOSv3-nacelle-pylon-no-windows-port.stlPort TOS nacelle pylon.
TOSv3-nacelle-pylon-port-thick.stlThickened version of the standard pylon.
TOSv3-nacelle-pylon-no-windows-starboard.stlStarboard TOS nacelle pylon.
TOSv3-nacelle-pylon-starboard-thick.stlThickened version of the standard pylon.
TOSv3-nacelle-pylon-windowed-port.stlTOS port nacelle with windows.
TOSv3-nacelle-pylon-windowed-starboard.stlTOS starboard nacelle with windows.
TOSv3-nacelle-starboard-small.stlShort variant TOS starboard nacelle.
TOSv3-nacelle-starboard.stlTOS starboard nacelle.
TOSv3-neck-transport-tug-no-windows.stlNew TOS neck with Integrated docking port.
TOSv3-neck-transport-tug-windowed.stlPrevious version of the neck with integrated dock. Supports old smaller sized containers.
TOSv3-neck-windowed.stlTOS neck with windows.
TOSv3-neck.stlTOS neck without windows.
TOSv3-saucer-low-detail.stlStandard large TOS saucer with reduced details.
TOSv3-saucer-no-weapons.stlStandard large TOS saucer with no weapons but all other details.
TOSv3-saucer-no-windows-no-weapons.stlStandard TOS saucer without weapons and windows.
TOSv3-saucer-rear-cutout-variant.stlVariant saucer with parts of the rear cut out. With windows.
TOSv3-saucer-rear-cutout-variant-windowed.stlVariant saucer with parts of the rear cut out.
TOSv3-saucer-small-low-detail.stlSmall TOS saucer with reduced details.
TOSv3-saucer-small-no-windows-no-weapons.stlSmall TOS saucer without weapons and windows.
TOSv3-saucer-small-no-windows.stlSmall TOS saucer without windows.
TOSv3-saucer-small-rear-cutout-variant-windowed.stlVariant small saucer with rear section cutout. With windows.
TOSv3-saucer-small-rear-cutout-variant.stlVariant small saucer with rear section cutout.
TOSv3-saucer-small-windowed-no-weapons.stlVariant small saucer without phasers but with windows.
TOSv3-saucer-small-windowed.stlVariant small saucer with windows.
TOSv3-saucer-windowed-no-weapons.stlStandard TOS saucer without phasers but with windows.
TOSv3-saucer-windowed.stlStandard TOS saucer with windows.
TOSv3-sensor-dish-low-detail.stlLower detail TOS sensor dish.
TOSv3-sensor-dish-saucer-mounted.stlUnderslung saucer TOS sensor dish.
TOSv3-sensor-dish-thick.stlThickened and simplified version of the sensor dish for small scale printing.
TOSv3-sensor-dish.stlStandard TOS sensor dish.
TOSv3-transport-container-double.stlDouble-stacked transport container. New larger version (size based off of specs in the Franz Joseph manual).
TOSv3-transport-container.stlBasic transport container. Compatible with both versions of the Ptolemy and Moncrief. New larger version (size based off of specs in the Franz Joseph manual).
TOSv3-transport-starliner.stlTOS version of the Starliner container. Compatible with both versions of the Ptolemy and Moncrief. New larger version (size based off of specs in the Franz Joseph manual).
TOSv3-ventral-phasers.stlPair of standalone phaser balls (bottom-aligned).

Blender files

There are two types of Blender source files used to generate the kit. “Source” files contain the original Blender objects that are used to generate individual part STL files. The “Parts” files show are used to arranged these STL part files into ships, which are then output to the Ship STL files.


I'm releasing this under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license. You're free to distribute and modify these files (even for commercial use), provided you attribute the creator and distribute your contributions under the same license. 174.3MB 84.7MB 56.4MB 28.5MB 56.5MB
ship-TMPv3-akula.stl 24.8MB
ship-TMPv3-booby-trap.stl 29.2MB
ship-TMPv3-constitution-class-no-shield-grids.stl 24.2MB
ship-TMPv3-constitution-class.stl 30.7MB
ship-TMPv3-little-buddy.stl 22.7MB
ship-TMPv3-moncrief-with-container.stl 29.0MB
ship-TMPv3-moncrief-with-two-containers.stl 31.2MB
ship-TMPv3-moncrief.stl 26.9MB
ship-TMPv3-ptolemy-starliner.stl 27.8MB
ship-TMPv3-ptolemy-with-container.stl 27.2MB
ship-TMPv3-ptolemy-with-two-container.stl 27.3MB
ship-TMPv3-ptolemy.stl 27.0MB
ship-TMPv3-saladin.stl 22.1MB
ship-TOSv3-akula.stl 8.1MB
ship-TOSv3-constitution-cage-era-thick.stl 12.2MB
ship-TOSv3-constitution-cage-era.stl 13.8MB
ship-TOSv3-constitution-TOS-era-thick.stl 10.3MB
ship-TOSv3-constitution-TOS-era.stl 11.8MB
ship-TOSv3-little-buddy.stl 5.3MB
ship-TOSv3-ptolemy-cage-era-single-pod.stl 11.3MB
ship-TOSv3-ptolemy-cage-era-standalone.stl 10.4MB
ship-TOSv3-ptolemy-double-pod.stl 10.0MB
ship-TOSv3-ptolemy-single-pod.stl 9.4MB
ship-TOSv3-ptolemy-standalone.stl 8.5MB
ship-TOSv3-ptolemy-starliner.stl 10.7MB
ship-TOSv3-saladin-cage-with-sensor-dish.stl 9.0MB
ship-TOSv3-saladin-cage.stl 8.7MB
ship-TOSv3-saladin-with-sensor-dish.stl 7.3MB
ship-TOSv3-saladin.stl 7.1MB
ship-TOSv3TMPv3-kitbash.stl 14.1MB