Standard Clothes Dryer Vent 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Standard Clothes Dryer Vent 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 88.3KB.


I live in a mountain neighborhood that has some pretty harsh winters, and my clothes dryer vent has to be replaced just about every year due to ice damage.

Part of the problem with the commercial vents, like the ones that you find at Home Depot, is the fact that they stick out from the wall and both catch falling ice and provide a platform for ice build up.

The one I designed sits flush against the wall to avoid these issues with ice build up.

And since I have never lived in a house that actually had mounting bolts for the clothes dryer vent (the vent simply slides into the duct), I did not include bolt holes. But please let me know if you need them. I would be happy to add them for you.

BackStop.stl 202.0KB
DryerVent.stl 1.1MB