The file 'Stabbed By Pen 3D Printer Model' is (3mf,stl) file type, size is 3.3 MB.
Pen holder for macabre people.
There are 2 versions, the other is suitable for pencils and the other for ballpoint pens. Pen-version didn't give enough support for the pen and I didn't wanted to make torso bigger, so I added small tube. Tube is very tight fit and if your printer is well tuned, you don't need glue to hold it in place. If it feel too tight, just resize the tube a little bit smaller. Tube needs only 2 grams of filament.
This was a request from Reddit user PorBorSoul.
penbody.3mf |
penbody.stl |
penbody3.3mf |
pencilbody.stl |
pentube.stl |