Spyda 500 Crossfire Quadcopter With LipoHolder 3D Printer Model

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License: CC BY-NC-SA
File formats: STL,stl
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The file 'Spyda 500 Crossfire Quadcopter With LipoHolder 3D Printer Model' is (STL,stl) file type, size is 232.2KB.


remix of the spyda 500 crossfire, now with Lipo compartment, you can replace your LiPo quick and easy.

the lid has to be glued

Used LiPo Turrnigy 4.0 (30-40c) 49 x 23x 145 mm

Clip_v3.STL 87.3KB
Spyda_500_crossfire_top.stl 664.5KB
Spyda_500_LiPo_Lid_v2.STL 769.8KB
Spyda_500_LiPo_v2.STL 806.4KB