Spool Holder For 2020 Using 5mm Rod 3D Printer Model

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A spool holder to mount on 2020 extrusion. There are of course tons of these on Thingiverse. Most of them use 8mm rod and 608ZZ bearings. I happened to have some 5mm rod and MR105ZZ bearing lying around so I designed it for them instead. Print the bracket and two cones. The spacer can be used if spool is too close to the printer frame. Print as many of the clips as you need: I used one to hold the inner code in place, and one on the outside as shown in the pictures.

5mm_rod_spool_holder.stl 41.5KB
clip_for_5mm_rod.stl 10.0KB
cone_for_5mm_rod.stl 12.6KB
spacer_for_5mm_rod.stl 12.6KB