Spool For 1.5m Soft Tape Measure 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: STL
Download type: zip

The file 'Spool For 1.5m Soft Tape Measure 3D Printer Model' is (STL) file type, size is 25.6MB.


This is a remake of Soft Tape Measure Spool of 3DprintingMark for 1.5 meter soft tape measure, because the original is too small. Need some glue to fix top cover and the axis. To fix the axis you need to put come glue on the vertical part of the tip, but only on the upper part of the cylindrical surface, which at the tip of the axis. I use some PTFE silicone grease to make it work smoother.
You could change the soft tape measure in future, if you need - the form factor design allows it (just pull the crimped end out of the slot through the gap left in the cover and that's it). The soft tape measure sits on place tight and and I added a second knob for easy rotation.

Axis.STL 351.6KB
Base_body.STL 53.3MB
External_casing.STL 11.8MB
Top_cover.STL 295.4KB