Spider Centerline Finder (free Version) 3D Printer Model

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License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
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Spider Centerline Finder (free version)

  • Note: There is also a premium version, as seen on last pictures, which features a handy handle with integrated pen holder. It actually makes much easier to draw a centerline in the full length of the board. If you like my work please consider buying premium version, it will cost you less then a beer or a tea.* :)

Search no more, 2nd best centerline finder tool in town :D


  • 3 in 1 tool: centerline for boards, centerline for circular pieces and edge marker
  • Unique design with bearings - it makes use of the tool so much easier and smooth
  • Unique design with integrated pen holder - after use, clamp your pen in and next time you won't spend ages finding it
  • Practical hook to hang it on your tool wall

This is a centerline finder for square boards of up to 15 cm thickness and circular pieces between 40 and 75 mm. In addition it features and edge distance marker for 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 mm.

For final assembly you will need 2 bearings () and it's recommended that you also use 4x M3x8 screws to strengthen the pencil holder - especially if you want to print numbers in different color and you will need to do a filament change on those layers, which will consequently weaken the adherence of pencil holder "nipples". To fit the bearings 2 M8x30 screws with nuts are needed.

You also need to print 2 washers, to put between the tool and bearings.

What you need:

  • filament and 3d printer :)
  • 2 x 22 mm external and 8 mm internal diameter bearings
  • 4x M3x8 screws
  • 2 M8x30
Spider_Center_Mark-Up_Tool_v4_no_holder_version.stl 2.6MB
Spider_Center_Mark-Up_Tool_Washer.stl 50.7KB