Sphero Poke And Sphero Carry 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: stl
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The file 'Sphero Poke And Sphero Carry 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 1.5MB.


Designed to work with the Sphero SPRK, the SpheroHat enables you to use manipulators with the #Sphero. Students can investigate physics and math topics while controlling and programming the SPRK with their smart devices. In this project, the SPRK can carry or push objects using a tray and a poking device. These two new attachments for the SpheroHat will enable your students to conduct a #ScienceProject or #MathProject as they evaluate the carrying and pushing capacity of your Sphero SPRKs.

SpheroHat.stl 282.3KB
SpheroHatCarry.stl 407.0KB
SpheroHatCarryMM.stl 2.0MB
SpheroHatPoke.stl 591.4KB
SpheroHatPokeMM.stl 1.6MB