SpecterL’s Glatorian Head 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: obj,fbx,stl
Download type: zip

The file 'SpecterL’s Glatorian Head 3D Printer Model' is (obj,fbx,stl) file type, size is 16.4MB.


Based on SpecterL's artwork found here.

Not intended for 3D Printing, print high poly version at your own risk.

Not yet rigged. Images attached are intends as textures, so please download.

Feel free to expand on this.

EDIT 02/02/24: Replaced the low-poly male head with the correct mesh. Includes Lego compatible heads, in obj & stl format. Stud.io files for the female head can be found in my stud.io pack here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/134wgnNNviK05zaVmNGHPhXR9uW_920TC

.blend file can be found here.

FemaleGlatorianHeadHighPoly.obj 62.6MB
Glatorian_Female_Head.fbx 307.4KB
Glatorian_Female_Head_LowPoly.fbx 135.4KB
Glatorian_Male_Head.fbx 300.5KB
Glatorian_Male_Head_LowPoly.fbx 125.3KB
LegoCompatible_FealeGlatorianHead.stl 512.9KB
LegoCompatible_FemaleGlatorianHead.obj 791.2KB
LegoCompatible_MaleGlatorianHead.obj 764.3KB
LegoCompatible_MaleGlatorianHead.stl 492.9KB