A Spanish style decorative lantern for interiors or exteriors.
Bulb adapter for G4 socket, you can buy the bulb sockets here: https://es.aliexpress.com/item/1005003090677628.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.258.3e38194dBSFRlF&gatewayAdapt=glo2esp
WARNING! Tolerances may not be correct on the adapters, this can be solved with heat by inserting the sockets into the 3D printed parts.
Note* some parts need m3 screws.
Thanks for downloading and enjoy.
Cuerpo-body.stl | 30.6KB | |
Pie-foot.stl | 201.1KB | |
soporte_bombilla-bulb_socket.stl | 14.4KB | |
Soporte_Pared-wall_hang.stl | 2.4MB | |
Techo-roof.stl | 74.3KB | |
Ventana-window.stl | 11.8KB |