Loved the original by Gattaca and have printed it several times scaled to different sizes as a test piece for our new printers. Pictures above is a print from the MendelMax 3 printer and the Minimax printer by Makers Tool Works
The following are the Mods to the original.
Added some material so the Engine could print properly in the center without center filled support. Increased the diameter of the leg struts. Rotated the Pods so the top rack holding tabs would print easier. Truss I added built in holding tabs in the corners as well as a base for the built in support at one end. I also cut this part in half so people with smaller printers should be able to print this model.
I also scaled the truss so it fits inside the holding tabs a bit better.
Engine.stl |
landing_gear.stl |
legs_thicker.stl |
pod_left.stl |
pod_right.stl |
space_1999_eagle_body.stl |
space_1999_eagle_cockpit.stl |
Truss_with_print_pads.stl |