Source One V3 Street League Build 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Source One V3 Street League Build 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 666.0KB.


This is a remix of westfpv's remix of scirocco_brad's original design. I modified the canopy to accomodate a mini-sized camera (Foxeer mini Toothless 2) and lowered the camera angle down to 45 degrees. I also added a turtle fin back in and added a slot for a flanged SMA pigtail to keep the VTX antenna in place. I moved the arm slots to accomodate the squashed X profile of the regular Source One V3 (not deadcat). Finally, after a few tries at assembling this thing I added holes to access the bolts through the top.

For the arm covers, I modified the depth to fit the 7mm arms and made my own COB led slots in addition to changing the ends for the squashed X version.

I printed everything at 100% infill but it's still ~90g underweight for SL spec, so I'm looking for an easy way to add some weight.

ArmRemix2.stl 86.7KB
ArmRemix2_Flip.stl 86.7KB
Battery_Box.stl 115.8KB
Front_Bottom.stl 335.7KB
Rear_Bottom.stl 414.2KB
ShellREMIX2-45degWnutholes.stl 382.8KB
ShellREMIX3-45degMiniCamWnutholes.stl 385.6KB