Solar System Bookend With Independent Planets 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Solar System Bookend With Independent Planets 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 11.5MB.


Scaled down model of planets from Jupiter to Sedna, made to be glued into one base. This is another version of my bookend - I also made one that's all one piece.

dwarf_planets.stl 9.3MB
gas_giants_-_Jupiter.stl 891.2KB
gas_giants_-_Neptune.stl 1.7MB
gas_giants_-_Saturn.stl 821.7KB
gas_giants_-_Uranus.stl 1.9MB
planets_on_pegs_-_Ceres.stl 918.1KB
planets_on_pegs_-_Earth.stl 1001.3KB
planets_on_pegs_-_Eris.stl 996.2KB
planets_on_pegs_-_Gonggong.stl 972.7KB
planets_on_pegs_-_Haumea.stl 928.6KB
planets_on_pegs_-_Makemake.stl 989.9KB
planets_on_pegs_-_Mars.stl 1000.9KB
planets_on_pegs_-_Mercury.stl 998.5KB
planets_on_pegs_-_Moon.stl 1004.0KB
planets_on_pegs_-_Orcus.stl 930.2KB
planets_on_pegs_-_Pluto.stl 997.0KB
planets_on_pegs_-_Quaoar.stl 959.8KB
planets_on_pegs_-_Salacia.stl 906.7KB
planets_on_pegs_-_Sedna.stl 938.4KB
planets_on_pegs_-_Venus.stl 1002.8KB
solar_system_base.stl 4.9MB