Simple gift for your loved ones. Simply print it out and put it into an envelope. The recipient can now take out the parts with a pair of twezers or scissors. Its very simple to put together, Just take the main body, take two of the four stands and put it in the holes on the bottom of the body, put them all the way in, could be a litlle tight but thats perfect. Now use two of the four hand pices/ sticks, doesnt matter which ones there all different but all will fit. After that, take one nose and put it into the hole in the snowmans face. Lastly repeat the same again in order to assemble the second one. You should now have two snowman.
snowman_card_arms_down.stl | 445.4KB | |
snowman_card_arms_side_180.stl | 445.4KB | |
snowman_card_arms_up.stl | 445.8KB | |
snowman_card_normal.stl | 445.6KB | |
snowman_card_thight_read_notes.stl | 445.6KB |