As a hobbiest. The 170mm spools are likely not going to be on this machine, but may turn up on the an automated PnP I am building.
The 100mm spools, maybe. But I need do a little work on that to change the design of the spool holder currently in the source design.
So, I thought, as I do like the feeder, and smaller strips of SMT litters my workshop, then a combo of the feeder and the basic SMT magazine idea, with 60mm internal diameter.
This design has the same "problem" as all stacked magazine designs.
So, there are two versions.
As the one magazine, open on the end of the stack, will have no close companions, to keep the tape from spooking out. I thought a small bridge, as the tape exited the magazine, might help line up tape and keep it in the magazine.
8mmFeederWith60mmMagazineMittSnoutUpdate.stl | 1.5MB | |
8mm_feeder_bridged.stl | 1.5MB |