Smartrap 3D Printer Model

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Main website :
Github with all versions , blend files, stl files, assembly files :
Sketchfab Real time view assembly files :
video channel :

-UPDATE FINAL 04/10/2019 : Thank you all for this incredible project , but you should really not build it anymore ! It was nice in 2013 , but now you have much better kits all in metal for cheaper than this project. I see it's been viewed, downloaded and added after all those's a little crazy, right ?

-Update 10/23/2014 : after a BIG github cleaning, updated all three plates and stlparts. new : linear guides holders update with screw pressing to hold them tight. no more zcoupler , as we had problem with it. we definitetly use vinyl coupler ( ID4:mm ,OD:6mm ) so cheap and good.
-Update 09/01/2014 : all plates. debug : endX_jhead had wrong GT2 holder, plate_base had too tiny support for screw on Z axis, new bearing_clips on plate X . Had problem with endstops not well aligned with endX and endY part...etc.

  • Update 08/19/2014: all plates ! we go back to jhead lite by default. It's more easy to find and source and we have very good result with it. perfect fit. ( soon an option for regpye hot end for high end hot end at a nice price). We have now clamps for lm6uu to have better lock. New endY with 2 screws for a better lock too. Plates X and base have now GT2 holders by default. For other systems, see github. There's a new zip with all parts separated !
  • Update 07/28/2014 : plate_1 updated : there was still problems with mirrored objects ( glass holders) . It's ok now
  • Update 07/17/2014: direct drive extruder was by default for brass insert gear ( 7mm), now it's back to MK7 ( more easy to find ). base plate has now a more solid base for Z rods and a hole to add a M3x10 to fix it more strongly. some little more changes...
  • Update 07/01/2014 : new plates ( all 3 ) : there was some mistakes in parts : bad side for printing, not good size for mk2 tensioners. Update also direct drive body for M4 nut.. stronger.
  • Update 06/19/2014 : version 049 become release!
    New: everything. It's an evolution of the 046 model with anti wobble system, 6mm rods, separated extruder, 200x200x160 print size, gt2 belt.
  • Update 03/12/2014 : all models. This is the synchro from the production model in github.
    New: globally , the model didn't change so much, but every part is touched by a more solid or more easy to assemble update.
    I can't detail all here, maybe github comits detail more what changes where made.
    This is the corresponding parts for the actual picture and soon to come documention on Also the model used in assembly videos.
  • Update 02/13/2014 : BOM updated.
  • Update 01/17/2014 : Production update: all models changed..a little everywhere for better integration, assembly, stability.
    There's now an option for hot-end. end_x_jhead OR end_x_huxley for hot-end huxley type that will be used eventually in smartfriendz kits.
  • Update 01/05/2014 : fishingline_holders where missing in this version . Now they are back. sorry for the mistake.
  • Update 01/04/2014 : plate_base, plate_x, lm8holder_x : all about endstop switch attach. It was not very well working , not enough space. Now it's ok.
  • Update 01/02/2014 : all ends X Y : rod holes where too big. Now back to 8mm.
  • Update 12/29/2013 : jhead attach was missing. New plate_x : snap M5 with nuts was not right ( too big).
  • Update 12/20/2013 : new version: all updated ! Note you can find old version in the reorganized github in old folder.
    What's new : Structure now all printed. Auto leveling bed. new supports for easy to remove glass bed. new plate_x more stable. adjusted bearing holders.
    New video showing auto leveling bed :
  • update 12/12/2013 : new plate_base. there was a mesh problem for slicing. This version works well here with repetier host and slicr3
  • update 12/10/2013: Appologies!! there was a bug with plate_base: the bearing for extruder was always too far ( was 23mm diameter in my blender:( . Sorry about that. it's repaired now.
    Updated BOM also.
  • update 12/09/2013: plate_base: changed extruder positioning. Was a little too far to press the filament right. I think on a more adjustable solution back. If something's wrong we need to re-print the all plate_base: not good.
  • update 12/08/2013: new plate_x, thx to hwiguna feedback. was a bug on one of the bearing holders too tight and not aligned.
  • update 12/04/2013 : new plate_x : there is now a new smapping system to insert the M5 bolt . Really more easy to setup.
  • Update 11/30/2013 :** Version 0.4.5 : lot of changes again! what is new :
    1- new linear bearing holders. old one was breaking. now it's separate holders and it's straight.
    2- smaller base plate with reversed extruder.
    3- fishing line tensioners. more easy to setup the line ( separate documentation to come soon to explain the process)
    4- new x-end jhead: old mesh was a mess. now it's clean and with a new system to attach the fishing line
    There is a zip file with old version 0.4. To have the all history, you can use the github.
  • Update 11/26/2013 : add V0.5 preview in gallery: lot of changes are coming! thanks to YOUR feedbacks. Rack and pinion, snap Lm8uu, no more wood need, etc :)

  • Update 11/25/2013 : New link to the official doc
    (work in progress...)
  • Update 11/20/2013 : ALL FILES ! Moved rods on X and Y up. There where too near to the plates. A side effect was the lm8uu very tight to insert and broke some holders.
    Also re-aligned the X axis to let more space between X rods and Z lm8uu holders. There was sometimes a friction between both axis X and Z.
  • update: 11/18/2013 : replaced x_end_jhead. smooth rods boleans where missing,

  • update 11/18/2013 : new changes in all three plates : lm8uu holders was too tight. now larger, so less risk of break.

  • update 11/17/2013 : updated plate_X and plate_Y : there was some bugs in lm8 holder size and position + M5 holder was too low under the plate.
  • update 11/15/2013: printing with customized v0.3. videos are right under here.
    the shaft coupling 5mm is there :
    replaced plate_base ; the bearing of the extruder was too far (from my tests) . Now should be better. NOTE: it's a setup for a 1.75 mm filament. for a 3mm, the extruder part should be reworked.
    IF all coming well, those files will become customisable with thingiverse api!
  • update 11/14/2013 : upload version 0.4. put v0.3 in zip file archive.upload new blender renders. starting to print and assemble v0.4.

    The smartrap

    This is a new design of a reprap 3d printer. It is in the spirit of the printrbot simple , designed by Brook Drumm , a very great designer in my opinion. He found lot of great ideas .
    I tried to make it even simpler and this one is made with printed parts only so it's easy reproducible.
    It's also full GPL , meaning open to any business.
    The main features are :

  • Easy to build AND unbuild : This is the main target focus of this project. The goal is to reach a point where the builder will feel like playing LEGO. This way , more people will come to grow the reprap community and make it living. Also, it is designed to be good for experimentation.
  • Real Reprap : GPL licence, Structure is all printed , no special tool needed, no precision operations to do at home, reproducible at the most.
  • Cheap : the target is home use and experimentations of 3d print. It should stay at the lowest price possible! ( it's nice challenge also).
    Up to date Informations and pictures, videos and soon, docs!!! are on
    Please consider to check also to be sure stl files are up-to-date here ? Normally they are , but in github there's more infos about the debug and different versions. Thank you.
SmartrapBOM.pdf 42.7KB
smartrap_plates_1.stl 3.2MB
smartrap_plates_2.stl 800.3KB
smartrap_plates_3.stl 590.7KB 1.8MB