The file 'Smart Streaming Desk Light 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 2.9 MB.
This is a handy desk light which can be used for streaming or working.
The design is fully 3D-printable and you only need four M4 screws and nuts.
The LEDs used in this build are a NeoPixel Ring with 32 WS2812 5050 RGB LEDs.
The light is controlled by a WeMos D1 mini and can therefore be addressed via WiFi with FastLED by Evil Genius.
For better cable management you can thread all cables necessary through the printed parts so cables remain unseen and the lamp gets a cleaner, more professional look.
For the Ring diffuser I would recommend using white PLA printed on a flat surface.
Edit: I need to revise this design as the joints get a little weak after a while. So I have to reposition the screws to make things more solid.
Arm_1.stl |
Arm_2.stl |
Case_1.stl |
Clamp_1.stl |
Clamp_2.stl |
Clamp_bottom.stl |
Cover.stl |
Ring_diffuser.stl |