Slim Raspberry Pi 2, 3 Octoprint Case For Wanhao I3 3D Printer Model

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An Alternate Slim Paspberry Pi 2, 3 Case for the Wanhao i3 Duplicator (aka Cocoon Create, Mono Select).

Based off two existing designs. It is slimmer than this one and rotated from this slim one

This design allows for the slimmest profile as possible while allowing for the bulk of the cords to route out of the back for easy cable management. There are alternate airflow holes, cable management guides and a slightly larger hole in the front to allow easier removal of the microSD for Pi3 models.

Edit: April 2017
Added a Version2 specifically for raspberry Pi3. It includes larger vents for better ventilation, as well as thinner walls and more internal space so that any aftermarket heatsinks will now fit. My Pi3 has dropped 10degrees celcius with this new setup.

slim_wanhao_pi_fixed.stl 145.9KB
Slim_Wanhao_Pi_V2.stl 98.2KB