The file 'Slide Mechanism For Arduino 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 606.91 KB.
If you have an Arduino kit it probably included the "28BYJ-48" 5 volt stepper motor. This motor is very common and available on ebay and other places for next to nothing.
Anyways, here is a reciprocating slide mechanism for this very motor. I wanted something that moved in some interesting way. Just watching the axle spin around with a paper clip stuck to it was pretty boring. I started out making just an arm, but why stop there? So it became a whole mechanism.
Update: Added a base with some extensions on it, in case your slider is a bit loose/unbalaced and tends to tilt down at the end of the strokes. Both files are there, chose whichever you like. Also added a top for the axle on the slider.
SM-Arm.STL |
SM-Arm2.STL |
SM-Leg.STL |
SM-Motorholder.STL |
SM-Plug1Bot.STL |
SM-Plug1Top.STL |
SM-Rail.STL |
SM-Slidebase.STL |
SM-SlidebaseExt.STL |
SM-Slideplug.STL |
SM-SlideplugTop.STL |
SM-Slider.STL |