Sleevekings Size D Card Boxes 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Sleevekings Size D Card Boxes 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 17.5KB.


This project is very much a work in progress. Test print photos will be added as needed.

This set is for the Size D sleeve only.

The full range of Sleeve Kings compatible card boxes is intended. Starting with Size A at varying heights. Larger cards will have taller boxes.

When each size is completed, the files will be added here. Test prints will be posted. Only the shortest of each will be printed to check for fit where possible. I don't have access to the full range of sleeves.

My gaming group has found that having cards in these, stacks far easier for both storage, and for putting out a stack of cards which don't slip all over the place as sleeved stacks tend to.

All card sleeves available from

Not affiliated and don't receive any gratuity from Sleevekings. All card names and dimensions are direct from Sleevekings.

Sleeve_Kings_Size_D_10mm_Base.stl 16.4KB
Sleeve_Kings_Size_D_10mm_Lid.stl 1.4KB
Sleeve_Kings_Size_D_20mm_Base.stl 16.4KB
Sleeve_Kings_Size_D_20mm_Lid.stl 1.4KB
Sleeve_Kings_Size_D_30mm_base.stl 16.4KB
Sleeve_Kings_Size_D_30mm_Lid.stl 1.4KB
Sleeve_Kings_Size_D_40mm_Base.stl 16.4KB
Sleeve_Kings_Size_D_40mm_Lid.stl 1.4KB
Sleeve_Kings_Size_D_50mm_Base.stl 16.4KB
Sleeve_Kings_Size_D_50mm_Lid.stl 1.4KB