Sleeping Gods Distant Skies Organizer 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Sleeping Gods Distant Skies Organizer 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 50.9KB.


An organizer for the board game Sleeping Gods: Distant Skies.

I love the token trays made by extrudedDuck for the original Sleeping Gods. I adjusted the fatigue and market trays to fit the Distant Skies tokens & designed the rest of the organizer around those.

You need to print 2 damage trays from this Thing:

Distant_Skies_-_Campaign.stl 14.1KB
Distant_Skies_-_Enemies_+_Plane.stl 16.2KB
Distant_Skies_-_Fatigue.stl 57.8KB
Distant_Skies_-_Market.stl 140.5KB
Distant_Skies_-_Small_cards.stl 29.8KB