Skate Holder/Support De Skate 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC-SA
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Skate Holder/Support De Skate 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 16.5KB.



Le longboard de mon fils trainait dans nos pieds dans sa chambre > dangereux !!!
Alors, j'ai conçu un support de rangement à assembler et installer sur sa bibliothèque afin de suspendre/ranger son skate. Il m'a fallu acheter une équerre métallique et 3 chevilles Molly....

Temps d'impression : ~9h13min (pour les 2 supports)
Filament requis : 21.10m (64g)

Bonne lecture ;)


My son's longboard was hanging around our feet in his bedroom > dangerous !!!
So I designed a storage rack to assemble and install on his bookshelf to hang/store his skateboard. I had to buy a metal bracket and 3 Molly dowels....

Printing time: ~9h13min (for the 2 supports)
Filament required: 21.10m (64g)

Enjoy ;)

Support-Skate-Suspendu.stl 61.6KB