The original files were too big for my printers and needed it to be slightly longer. I split them up into 3 pieces. The first section is longer than the other 2 so they are not exactly equal lengths, I didn't pay attention to it while chopping it up in TinkerCAD. It uses 10mmX20mm pegs. 10mm diameter, 20mm long. I've uploaded both a rounded peg for easier entry (I know, I know) and a standard cylinder peg. Or you can ignore using pegs and just glue them together.
Our kids use a million cups a day so we have them reusing their cups for the day. Once they clean them, they stack them up on this and the water beads away.
As you can see, I had a slight warpage on the middle section but still works. These things are SOLID. Even using 5% Gyroid, 4 walls, they are heavy and thick. You can print these flat or upright. I sliced them both ways in Cura 5.8 and they were pretty similar in times and filament usage (using a .2 layer height and .06 nozzle. Each print took about 26-ish hours to print. If I were to print them again, I'd stack all 3 up and just print them all at once instead of individual prints.
The full dimensions when assembled are 470.6mm X 150mm X 40mm.
Sink_Caddy_1.stl | 468.8KB | |
Sink_Caddy_2.stl | 464.0KB | |
Sink_Caddy_3.stl | 429.0KB | |
Sink_Caddy_Connectorrounded.stl | 137.4KB | |
Sink_Caddy_ConnectorStandard.stl | 12.4KB |