The file 'Simple Pokemon Chess Set 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 1.9 MB.
2021 edit: Nidoking was not solid, had a tiny gap between layers where it was originally designed to be printed as two parts. "solid nidoking.stl" is solid :)
2021 edit 2: Eevee had a similar problem. Smaller gap so probably unless sliced at less that .1mm it didn't matter. Fixed it anyway.
I felt the board was just a bit overwhelming for someone not familiar with Pokemon.
So hey, a remix!
Mirrored Rooks, and a small flat space on Arbok's back which lines up with the flat on the base. It actually prints pretty well without supports.
Pikachu does well without too.
I solidified under Bulbasaur and Charmander so should print easier.
Haven't finished printing the whole thing yet so may upload edits as they happen for solidness and easier printing.
Seadra was a major pain, I also edited Horsea to have the flat of the base towards his back and lengthened his spinal fin to make contact as well but will still need supports for the spines. (Will upload with built in supports if anyones interested.)
Will definitely be updating charmander and the Nidos but no time tonight.
Sizes are scaled for a tournament board which is 2.25"x2.25" per square.
Heights don't quite work out right but diameters do.
Many, many thanks to sch00f for an awesome set of originals!
Edit: uploaded the unscaled version of Seadra originally. scaled and reuploaded.
also edited Charmander to strengthen tail and raised arms and head slightly to make supportlesss printing much easier.
Also edited Dragonair to be a bit easier. updated
Edit: Eevee didn't slice right for me. printed the base fine but no Eevee. Probably my proprietary slicer being dumb. just a warning to watch out for it.
One hopefully last edit: Had a couple of mis-scaled items and I accidentally renamed Charmander to Bulbasaur... whoops. Oh and Bulbasaur has support underneath for strength and easier printing as well.
Bishop_Bulbasaur.stl |
Bishop_Charmander.stl |
King_Nidoking.stl |
King_Pikachu.stl |
Knight_Horsea_Base.stl |
Knight_Seadra.stl |
New_Queen_Eevee.stl |
Pawn_Pokeball.stl |
Queen_Eevee.stl |
Queen_Nidoqueen.stl |
Rook_Arbok_L.stl |
Rook_Arbok_R.stl |
Rook_Dragonair_L.stl |
Rook_Dragonair_R.stl |
solid_nidoking.stl |