It's a simple LED diffuser, this is my first design, I'm a very newbie, I tried to make it myself because I couldn't find what I wanted on the internet. I'm trying to improve it.
Its inner part is suitable for 10mm LED strip.
internal dimensions;
10.5mm width, 4.4mm height
100mm.stl | 52.9KB | |
150mm.stl | 51.3KB | |
200mm.stl | 51.8KB | |
20mm.stl | 52.2KB | |
250mm.3mf | 15.1KB | |
275mm.3mf | 15.1KB | |
285mm.3mf | 15.2KB | | | 116.7KB | |
50mm.stl | 52.6KB | |
corner.stl | 62.4KB |