Simple Flexible Strap (“FlextrUp”) To Mount Anything Anywhere 3D Printer Model

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License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
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The file 'Simple Flexible Strap (“FlextrUp”) To Mount Anything Anywhere 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 227.7KB.


Flexible strap to quickly mount and securely tie anything anywhere.

Very strong, reliable, yet easy to manipulate, reusable.
Model updated (ver. 2) to improve the layer adhesion in the most critical area at the bottom of the hooks.

Material & Properties:

  • The example on the pictures are printed from flexible TPU (30D on Shore scale), 100% infill. Any harder flexible material will do too, will be just a bit more rigid and not so stretchy.
  • Width 13mm, length 300mm (it can diagonally fit on the print bed), thickness 1.8mm.

Max Load:

I did destructive experiments with parts printed from TPU FiberFlex 30D material. The results was measured when repeatedly loading the enclosed loop:

  • Optimal load is up to 10kg-force (98N, 22lbf {poundal-force US}). It remains fully flexible, the permanent deformations are less than 1.5% of the length.
  • Maximum load is up to 15kg-force (147N, 33lbf) . It's still flexible, the permanent deformation up to 6.5% of the length. The strap remains fully usable but can become a bit pulled up.
  • Overloading leads to large permanent deformations of 33% at 20kg (196N, 44lbf), and 80% at 25kg (245N, 55lbf). Repeated overloads by 25kg and higher lead to material destruction.

Model Evolution & Background story:

I was tired of the heavy tool-bag rattling behind my saddle on my enduro bike when riding in the bumpy off-road terrain.
So I prototyped a simple flexible strap (I call it "FlextrUp") to secure and tighten it in place. No more rattling, no more lost tool-bag.
It took few iterations, now it perfectly fits my needs.
Honestly, I was surprised how stretchy, strong and reliable the strap went.
Despite it's simple design it's quite strong, it never self-opened, never failed.


For mounting accessories please follow my other models:

Finished prints for sale:

Struggling with the print? Or you just don't have the whole spool of the desired material / color on hand? No problem, you can buy the ready-made prints on the website of our workshop: For custom colors and shipping outside the Czech Republic, please contact me, we can solve it individually.

FlextrUp_v2.stl 1.0MB