Shopvac CNC Vacuum Shoe System 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC
File formats: stl
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The file 'Shopvac CNC Vacuum Shoe System 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 238.1KB.


CNC shopvac vacuum shoe system is designed for certain popular models of Chinese-made CNC (3040T, 3020T). It is designed to be used with the small-size shopvac. I design this around the CNC I own which has slots along side of the spindle mount. I use those slots as a way to attach the vacuum system to the spindle. Mounting it this way allows me to easily adjusting the height by sliding it up/down. But, if you have different type of spindle mount, you can probably derive you own way of mounting this. The design consists of 3 basic printed parts. You will need to get an additional part from the craft store: a sheet of thin-flexible foam. Cut the foam sheet to form a skirt and glue it around the spindle shoe. You should be able to figure the whole thing out by looking at the attached pictures.

Shopvac_CNC_-_Connector.stl 201.4KB
Shopvac_CNC_-_Spindle_Fastener.stl 51.3KB
Shopvac_CNC_-_Spindle_Shoe.stl 230.8KB