Shift Knob Light Switch 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Shift Knob Light Switch 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 380.7KB.


This is an add on for home light switches that allows you to turn on and off your lights with a 5-speed manual shift knob. Now you can literally drop a gear and disappear! Any car person that loves to drive manual cars like myself will enjoy this lol.

Install Instructions: (no additional hardware needed)

1) First, assemble the three parts as shown in the pictures. I used hot glue to secure the shift knob ball to the shaft.

2) Next, unscrew your light switch cover, but do not remove the cover.

3) Place the shifter assembly over top the cover and align the screw holes. Make sure the shaft on the shifter assembly is positioned over top your actual light switch.

4) Lastly, screw in the original screws and enjoy banging gears!

Note: This was designed for larger size light switches (mine was about 8x8mm) if you notice your light switch is much smaller, you may need to use some hot glue in the hole of the shifter assembly where the switch goes to get a tighter fit.

Future plans: I'm planning on adding 4, 6, and 7 speed shift knob options as well as some automatic shifters too. Stay tuned.

5speedKnob_for_Light_Shift_Knob.stl 579.9KB
Plate_for_Light_Shift_Knob.stl 260.5KB
Shaft_for_Light_Shift_Knob.stl 151.2KB