Sewing Elastic Instulation Stretcher 3D Printer Model

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elastic waist bands and leg and arm bands I have heard people say well that is pretty easy and fun well I find it neither easy or fun you nead 5 hands to stretch the elastic and put pins into it before sewing these people have a strange sense of fun and easy.

there are 2 versions hear type 1 for master mechanic ruler,there are no standards for
rulers so type 1 probably will not work if your ruler is not a master mechanic I had this was a advertising item ruler they was giving away for promo,when master mechanic was selling their all in one table saw/router/lathe all in one combo in the 1990s this was the best thing since sliced bread for wood working,I don't think they are around anymore so this is all I have left,I probably should buy a new ruler and make this for that item so you have a brand ruler to buy for this project,if anybody is wiling to donate a new ruler I would not object.but this one works for me so on to type 2

type 2 is fully printed with ruler maby not as pretty but functional.

I also have a singer hand held sewing machine you can use that with this stretcher and have it finished all in one process.

you should print a few extra sliders to put in the middle for things like waist bands to keep this from bowing I have not had to much bowing but just to be safe.

I plan on making a fited vinyl matress protector with ellastic for the fitted cornets,to make corners just use 2 of these items end to end at the corner.

elastic_streacher.scdoc 881.3KB
type_1_end_master_mechinic_ruller.stl 545.4KB
type_1_slider_master_mechanic_ruller.stl 545.8KB
type_2_end_printed_ruller.stl 545.1KB
type_2_printed_ruller_end.stl 1.1KB
type_2_printed_ruller_section.stl 1.4KB
type_2_slider_printed_ruller.stl 545.5KB