Self Centering Coin Punch For Coin Ring Making 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: skp,stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Self Centering Coin Punch For Coin Ring Making 3D Printer Model' is (skp,stl) file type, size is 68.4KB.


Tool hold for your self centering coin ring punch that is avaiable on Amazon. There is a spot specifically for the self centering coin hold tool, each punch and each die for the punches. I over sized the holes for the tooling by 1/16" to allow for tooling varations and filment variations.

I printed mine with pretty basic settings for PLA in Cura. Followed the temps on the roll, and had it print pretty quick, like 130mm/s I think. I did 40% infill just cause I wanted the tool holders stiffer so that I could pick one up and carry it in one hand without worry of it bowing and something falling out of it's place.

The URL to the tools themselves.

The STL file and the Sketchup should be included in the package.

Self_Centering_Coin_Punch.skp 94.9KB
Self_Centering_Coin_Punch.stl 322.4KB