I have a lot of SD and Micro SD cards, and I found that most of the SD/Micro SD card holders out there only hold a few cards. I also found that most of the designs have the standard SD cards laid out so that you can only put them in with the shorter side down. However, I store this in a drawer that is quite short, so I wanted to something that would be just a little bit shorter. Because of this, I decided to design my own.
Here we have an SD/Micro SD card holder with the following features:
The entire unit is 163 mm x 64 mm x 10 mm (6.4 in x 2.5 in x 0.4 in).
SD_Card_Holder_40_SD_60_MicroSD.stl | 81.2KB | |
SD_Card_Holder_Lid.stl | 27.2KB |