Made a small scroll library set to go with a recently acquired model, thought I'd pop it up in case anybody else wants it. It's 32mm scale, but also scaled to fit a dragon, so it might need resizing if you plan to use it for a human setting. The scrolls are separate pieces, print as many as needed in whatever sizes and fill the shelves how you like. Alternatively, make your own scrolls using paper and toothpicks, tied with embroidery thread! Or whatever. Enjoy!
drapery.stl | 54.5MB | |
pillar1.stl | 8.8MB | |
pillar2.stl | 8.8MB | |
pillar3.stl | 23.6MB | |
pillar4.stl | 23.6MB | |
scroll1.stl | 5.8MB | |
scroll2.stl | 5.3MB | |
scroll3.stl | 4.2MB | |
scroll4.stl | 5.8MB | |
shelving.stl | 104.2KB |