Screw Top No Spill Inkwell (great For India Ink) 3D Printer Model

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If you use China (of India) ink, and what to have all the benefits of No Spill Inkwell, you'd use this one, which can be fully opened and cleaned from semi-soluble debris, usually left by that kind of inks.

This thing is compatible with:


This thing may be printed with 0.6 nozzle. You have to print four parts for single inkwell:

  • base (choose one from three variations)
  • top
  • funnel (must be glued to top)
  • cap (two variants, one of which is asymmetric and may be mirrored)

This thing must be shut tightly, so, you'd better use a plastic with some elasticity for base and/or top part. I've tested PETG and SBS (Watson) successfully. Parts are oriented to the best position, print them as is.

You'll need to add ironing pass to inner side (which is in contact with the base) of top part. Add either ironing to all horizontal surfaces to the whole part, or use modifier.

For base, add ironing pass to topmost surface.

Be sure, that threaded part is printed with thin layers (0.15 is sufficient). Adaptive layer height works perfectly for this.

Be sure that everything is watertight.

Post printing

Glue funnel into top part (add enough glue to make the seam watertight), lock cap hinge with a piece of filament (or any other suitable thing)

How to use

To fill inkwell, screw top part with funnel to the base tightly, and pour ink into the funnel, until ink touches the funnel end. Tilt the inkwell and pour out excess ink.

Do not try to fill inkwell without top and then screw the top on: ink may leak out to the threads, which is not good.

screw_top_inkwell-alt_base.stl 916.0KB
screw_top_inkwell-alt_base_2.stl 1.3MB
screw_top_inkwell-alt_cap_positioned.stl 162.0KB
screw_top_inkwell-base.stl 842.7KB
screw_top_inkwell-cap_positioned.stl 152.2KB
screw_top_inkwell-funnel_positioned.stl 215.4KB
screw_top_inkwell-top_positioned.stl 2.8MB