Easy customizer for making a screw top jar.
- round or faceted [square, hexagon, octagonal etc]
- diameter of the jar depends on the thread you pick
- smooth or knurled for easier grip to open/close
- threaded height on both top and bottom are configurable
- unthreaded height on both top and bottom are configurable
- scaling so you can make a jar any size you like
- Download openscad and open the scad file...
- or use the thingiverse customizer
- configure Overall details like thread and sides...
- configure sizes for top and bottom
- create an stl file
- print
Helpful Details
- the threaded height on the top should be a few mm greater than the bottom or there will be a gap between top and bottom
- the fewer sides you have, the larger the wall thickness must be
- see threads to pick a jar size
- the diameter of the inside of the jar will be int_diameter - (2 * wall thickness)
- the diameter of the outside of the jar will be ext_diameter + (2 * wall thickness)
- these diameters are echo'ed to the console if you use openscad