Hello! I converted all the MTF insignias (except Omega-0 and "Additional MTFs") from the SCP wiki to 3D models using imageToStl.
The models are a bit rough around the edges (literally) due to being converted images and me being very new to this. I recommend you use a sandpaper to make them a bit more smoother for better quality after printing.
The default dimensions of all insignias are 42x42x3 mm.
This is pack 1 out of 5, and contains insignias for:
Red Right Hand, Last Hope, Maz Hatters, Nine-Tailed Fox, See No Evil,
Red Herrings, Hammer Down, Samsara and Mole Rats.
mtf_alpha1_redrighthand.stl | 22.5MB | |
mtf_alpha9_lasthope.stl | 24.0MB | |
mtf_beta7_mazhatters.stl | 23.7MB | |
mtf_epsilon11_ninetailedfox.stl | 23.2MB | |
mtf_eta10_seenoevil.stl | 22.5MB | |
mtf_gamma5_redherrings.stl | 24.0MB | |
mtf_nu7_hammerdown.stl | 22.2MB | |
mtf_tau5_samsara.stl | 23.5MB | |
mtf_zeta9_molerats.stl | 23.4MB |