The Scroggan Ambush Truck is a common improvised low-tech design found on many back-water planets that typically lack their own dedicated FightMech force or other standing professional militaries. The Scroggan Ambush Truck typically mounts 2x SRM-6s and is designed for a single-shot surprise attack, initiated at close range.
The improvised nature of this method of attack often means that the SRM fire-system is burned out during the initiation, which makes it uncommon for the Scroggan to be able to sustain multiple attacks from the same platform.
To build a Scroggan, a single-salvo SRM pod is usually grafted to whatever cargo moving truck is available locally and then positioned on likely FightMech approaches.
The Scroggan Ambush Truck ambush method was originally used on Thingerse III (in the Deep Periphery) in Jun 3020. In this minor action, a well-equipped force of invading FightMech Pirates was temporarily halted in their advance through the planet's urban capital by several Scroggans. Antonius Scroggan, an officer cadet wash-out from the nearby Taurian Constellation who had settled on the planet, organized several small ambushes that delayed the pirates by at least several days.
Scroggan subsequently blew himself up while wiring in some SRM pods incorrectly, and the Pirates soon claimed Thingerse III - despite the harassing inconvenience imposed by a few remaining trucks and minor damage sustained to several ankle actuators.
In tongue-in-cheek homage to Scroggan, the Pirates afterward referred to this method of singe-shot, low-blow, but largely ineffective ambush as the 'Scroggan Cheap-Shot.'
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BT-v_Truck-Scania35p-6mm.stl | 9.4MB | |
BT-v_Truck-ScrogganAmbushTruck-SRM6-left.stl | 9.7MB | |
BT-v_Truck-ScrogganAmbushTruck-SRM6.stl | 9.7MB |