The file 'Sci-fi Pirate Skiff 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 1.4 MB.
Here is a Pirate Skiff for your tabletop Sci-fi games. It has a retractable docking plank. You will need to print two Wing Sets and mirror one of the sets in your slicer.
I designed this from the ground up by looking at the pictures and then I filled in the blanks with my own ideas. The original IP is controlled by Lucasfilm/Disney and they reserve the right to take it down or use the files however they see fit. This model and file set cannot be sold anywhere.
Skiff_Back_Railing.stl |
Skiff_Base.stl |
Skiff_Bottom.stl |
Skiff_Controls.stl |
Skiff_Front_Railing.stl |
Skiff_Plank.stl |
Skiff_Side_Railing.stl |
Skiff_Side_Railing_Short.stl |
Skiff_Thruster.stl |
Skiff_Top.stl |
Skiff_Turret.stl |
Skiff_Turret_Split.stl |
Skiff_Wing.stl |
Skiff_Wing_Half_1.stl |
Skiff_Wing_Half_2.stl |