The file 'Savage Watchtower – Miniature Terrain 3D Printer Model' is (stl,skp) file type, size is 145.05 KB.
[UPDATE - 4th Feb 2013]
Now with two-alternative support sides - one with a ladder, and one with only the legs and a triangle piece to be glued on.
A 3 sided (triangular) wargaming watch-tower model for your savage races.
Rat-men, orcs, goblins, beastmen, kobolds, and more will feel right at home atop this vantage point, ready to spot for their allies or rain down bestial death!
Seemingly put together with scavenged planks, this rickety construction won't win any architectural prizes, but you can print a lot of them and have your own perimeter line of towers ready to use in under a day.
Fast, cheap and just good enough for the job - exactly the savage race way!
Height fully assembled = 4" (10cm)
Height to standing surface = 3.5" (9cm)
Widest point = 3.25" (8.25cm)
Ideally, I will be adding variation pieces to this Thing - including a support element that includes a ladder, a second-story platform that can be stacked with extra supports, etc.
SketchUp file included for those who want to modify it and create your own version!
SavageTower_LadderSide01.stl |
SavageTower_TriSide01.stl |
SavageWatchtower-01.skp |
SavageWatchtower-Platform-01.stl |
SavageWatchtower-Support-01.stl |