RuneScape Runes 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'RuneScape Runes 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 3.3MB.


Now you can have your own magic runes from Old School RuneScape! I've seen others make these before, but none that I thought were just right, so as always I made my own.

I used the symbols straight from the game and made the overall shape what I imagine they would be in 3D. The symbols are inset slightly to make painting easy, but if you just want a plain blank one use the rune_essence file. I recommend lightly sanding the surface after printing, both to remove print lines and give them a more rustic, "carved" look.

In order in the image they are:
Air     Water/Blood     Earth     Fire     Mind
Body     Chaos     Cosmic     Astral     Nature
Law     Death     Soul     Wrath     Mist
Dust     Mud     Smoke     Steam     Lava

Blood runes are just a recolor of water, so they use the same model

rune_air.stl 1.4MB
rune_astral.stl 1.3MB
rune_body.stl 1.6MB
rune_chaos.stl 1.5MB
rune_cosmic.stl 1.4MB
rune_death.stl 1.5MB
rune_dust.stl 1.5MB
rune_earth.stl 1.4MB
rune_essence.stl 393.8KB
rune_fire.stl 1.3MB
rune_lava.stl 1.4MB
rune_law.stl 1.5MB
rune_mind.stl 1.6MB
rune_mist.stl 1.5MB
rune_mud.stl 1.6MB
rune_nature.stl 1.4MB
rune_smoke.stl 1.6MB
rune_soul.stl 1.4MB
rune_steam.stl 1.4MB
rune_water.stl 1.3MB
rune_wrath.stl 1.4MB