Rugged Box For Phase 10 Card Game 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: stl,STL
Download type: zip

The file 'Rugged Box For Phase 10 Card Game 3D Printer Model' is (stl,STL) file type, size is 2.9MB.


Remixed from:

03/09/2022 - Fixed Lid and "Phase 10" text.

For Phase 10 card Game: for a standard Phase 10 card deck of 65x94mm, that should fit in 35mm high, once compressed into the box.

Print instructions:

Print rugged_box_phase10.1.STL (Phase 10 text) first with different color; or just skip this part.

I put both the text and the lid into my slicer and got the text lined up then hid the Lid and saved the text as a Gcode, then without moving the lid, I deleted the text and saved the lid as Gcode. I printed the text first and without moving anything or removing the text from the build plate (if you have a skirt remove that), I changed colors and printed the lid right over it. This results in a seamless transition between the text and Lid.


Use 1.75mm filament in hinges to assemble parts.

rugged_box_phase10.1.stl 4.9MB
rugged_box_phase10.2.stl 5.0MB
rugged_box_phase10.3.STL 116.1KB
rugged_box_phase10.4.STL 14.1KB