Rueda Cero (zero Wheel) Experiment, Is A Concept 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
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The file 'Rueda Cero (zero Wheel) Experiment, Is A Concept 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 226.7KB.


La idea es crear una rueda que se suspenda sobre el eje, mediante el uso de súper imanes (neodimio). Seria fabuloso tener una rueda cero rozamiento, que no necesite de mantenimiento ni lubricantes y que genere una sensación de suspensión como si se estuviese volando.
De momento es un prototipo y aun no e logrado suspenderla.
Se aceptan sugerencias.

The idea is to create a wheel suspension on the shaft, using super magnets (neodymium). It would be fabulous to have a zero friction wheel that does not need maintenance or lubricants and to generate a sense of suspension as if he were flying.
For now it is a prototype and not yet achieved and suspend.
Suggestions welcome!!!!!

The measurement of the magnets are 14 mm * 1 mm. They are available in Chinese

centro_1.stl 177.2KB
centro_2.stl 139.8KB
rueda_cero.stl 282.2KB