Rorke, A Thicker, Shorter, 1/3 Scale BJD (Ball Joint Doll) 3D Printer Model

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This is Rorke, a thicker, shorter 1/3 scale BJD based on my prior Bella and Rebecca designs, themselves forked from Polaris. Main changes are a redesigned, broader lower torso and thigh beans (from Bella), shortened as was done with Rebecca. As shown with larger chest, doll would measure 36" x 24" x 39" and 5' 4" feet tall, at full scale.

Other parts include shortened limbs from Rebecca, along with balance of Polaris parts.

Head included is a redesigned goblin head, since that's what I was making. I've also include the original Polaris head for reference.

Note: Chest is uncensored.

Any Polaris parts will swap in, head, hands, feet can be interchanged; but note limbs have been re-scaled and swapping them out may lead to a disproportionate BJD.

Above pictured is Rorke head / face. The body's in parts, on my bench, and has been for months... posting this now before I forget to. I'll post the entire BJD when I get it completed.

If you are new to printing and assembling these dolls, a few tips:

  1. Print the face/head at a lower layer setting than the rest of the body; this makes sanding / finishing easier. Same for hands and feet.
  2. Doll needs to be "sueded," a process where you put material into the joints, either thin layer of hot glue or actual suede. Google on how to do this. The joints are designed to have this material in place.
  3. Doll uses 22mm eyes; I've gone down to 18mm on some designs. Experiment: the iris size is really what matters.
  4. Finishing materials: 3mm cord elastic (~20 ft / 7 yards), suede or hot glue, eyes, wig. Wigs / eyes can be sourced from many places online; wig needs to fit a 9" head.
  5. There are a few ways to string these, again, google it. I generally string arms together and into body, then rest of body and legs into head. I use chopsticks cut off as the retainer in head. Tighter is generally better, especially if the sueding job is solid I can typically put my dolls into a standing position once complete.
  6. Face ups are a whole topic for BJD. Google, and get a can of Mr Super Clear (MSC) to seal your work
  7. You can make your own eyes and wigs, but suggest for first doll just buy them, then change them later.
  8. You can paint and sand the entire body with rattlecan fill primer and paint, wet sanding the whole thing. It looks nice, but it is arduous work. Consider using plastic in your final color instead.
  9. A 1/3rd scale doll will use most of an entire spool (1kg) of material, and print time is ~5 days running 24 hrs a day. A 1/6th scale doll will print in about 10% of that time and material, due to cubic scaling of 3D prints.
  10. For 1/6th scale: String up using bracelet cord, which is very thin and very stretchy. Use hot glue for sueding joints. Recommend DIY for wigs, which are much more expensive for 1/6th scale. Same for eyes, which are harder to find in the right size (10-11mm).
Bicep.stl 63.9MB
Elbow.stl 1.0MB
foot.stl 15.4MB
goblinHead2.stl 42.9MB
hand.stl 1.3MB
Knee.stl 6.5MB
ShortLowerTorsoWide.stl 20.1MB
Short_Calf.stl 18.6MB
Short_Forearm.stl 708.5KB
Short_Thigh.stl 4.9MB
ThighBeanWide.stl 10.6MB
UpperBody_XL_Short_v3.stl 74.5MB