Hi !
I am robot Filip and I serve to learn robotics. I have one Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR 04, two continuous rotations servos and one micro servo. As my heart beet an Arduino Uno R3 with motor driver chip L293D.
This model is based on "James - your first Arduino robot" on Instructables.com, see http://www.instructables.com/id/James-Your-first-Arduino-Robot or http://www.duino-robotics.com/james.html .
Designed in OpenSCAD, so you are allowed to modify this files. I have used PLA, screws are M3 and as tyre I glued a GT2 belt on the wheels (late I found this as not good idea, it slips).
Continuous rotations servos I made according to the process on https://learn.adafruit.com/downloads/pdf/modifying-servos-for-continuous-rotation.pdf .
Wiring L293D and Ultrasonic sensor to Arduino by following steps on "James - your first Arduino robot".
For programming you need the "new ping" library, see http://playground.arduino.cc/Code/NewPing and the code is from "James - your first Arduino robot".
Have fun.
Back_wheel_steering.scad | 800.0B | |
Back_wheel_steering.stl | 46.3KB | |
base_plate_v2.scad | 1.6KB | |
base_plate_v2.stl | 423.7KB | |
big_wheel_v3.scad | 729.0B | |
big_wheel_v3.stl | 269.9KB | |
small_wheel.scad | 455.0B | |
small_wheel.stl | 145.4KB | |
Sono_holder.scad | 846.0B | |
Sono_holder.stl | 337.9KB |