Ring Stick Up Cam (Gen3) Screw Mount 3D Printer Model

License: CC0
File formats: 3MF,STEP,STL
Download type: zip

The file 'Ring Stick Up Cam (Gen3) Screw Mount 3D Printer Model' is (3MF,STEP,STL) file type, size is 946.8KB.


Designed this mount to fit the ring stick up camera in a very tight spot, specifically with the base rotated 180° and tilted back as far as possible. i like the easy removal of Akardia's glue mount design but prefer screw mounting, see remix notes below.

  • fits #8 and #10 size screws (popular wall anchor sizes like these). spacing between screw centers is 1-3/8"
  • requires the removal of the camera's mounting bracket. it's the gray round piece that has the word “UP” with an arrow on it. see picture with red “x”
  • prints without support
Ring_Camera_Screw_Mount.3MF 351.3KB
Ring_Camera_Screw_Mount.STEP 128.0KB
Ring_Camera_Screw_Mount.STL 1.8MB