Reworked Ender 3 Cr-10 Tevo Z Motor Brace 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Reworked Ender 3 Cr-10 Tevo Z Motor Brace 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 237.8KB.


I like the design of the Z motor support that XIMES made, but after I printed out a pair for my CR-10 V2 I found that the lower brace is going in the wrong direction. The T nut for the lower bolt hits the frame bolts in the CR-10 (and Ender 3) and would interfere with the T-bracket on Tevo Tornados.

So I redesigned the bracket to have the lower leg in the other direction, to the rear of the printer. This clears all the interference for the various printers noted. It is also stronger in holding down the rearward part of the Z motor, which is away from the vertical Z frame of these style printers.

The .stl file is oriented for the right side (2nd) z motor, FYI. So if you need just one for the left side of your printer, just download into your slicer and MIRROR.
Print with the angled brace side down for minimal support used.
If you need a L&R, load one to your slicer, mirror it, then load a 2nd to the slicer.
I printed these in ASA.

You need:
3 M3x 8mm BJC or Philips head screws to attach to the Z motor,
2 M5x10mm Counter sunk allen screws
1 M5 x 10mm BHC or Phillips head screw
and 3 M5 T nuts
for each side.

Fancy_Z_brace_reworked_v6.stl 882.7KB